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The Prodigal: The Son

September 15 by Pastor JD Small From the series: The Prodigal

Pastor JD Small unpacks the role of the son in this parable that Jesus taught to many of His followers. The Prodigal Son shows that no matter how far we stray, God’s grace welcomes us back.

The Prodigal
The journey of the three faces of grace following each character of the story of the prodigal. The Son, The Brother and The Father.
The Unshakeable Kingdom
Jesus modeled and mandated the message and mission of the Gospel of the Kingdom. God’s will and way must reorient how the Christian life is lived and...
Standing Firm in the Lord
This study is a verse-by-verse deep dive into the books of 1 & 2 Thessalonians. The theme of the study comes from a statement that Paul makes in both...
Simple Prayers
Kicking off a new series called: “Simple Prayers." If we were to create a tagline for this it might be: Easy to say, every day, On-the-go prayers. ...
Stand Alone Sermons
Whenever we have a Sunday that isn't tethered to a particular series or we have a guest speaker who joins us - we catalog those sermons here.
Divine Selfies
Across the OT, God provides over 80 selfies, portraits of Himself, meant for us to view. These portraits come in the form of divine names. The OT names...
The Power to Change
This three part series is a capstone type series for Turning Point – helping each person understand the dynamics behind our life change mission.
We are starting a new mini-series called Unstoppable and we’re looking at how to turn some everyday moments into holy momentum.
Our study is called Consumed and from a detailed dive in Romans 12:1-2 we are going to learn how to reasonably respond in worship to God.
2 Part Sermon Series
Making Your Mark
At the core of this biblical investigation in to the life of John Mark, is the issue of POTENTIAL…making your mark is about pursuing your potential. The...
Ruth - A Chick Flick Dudes Dig
We begin a new study in the book of Ruth. A lot of people assume they know this story, but we all might be surprised by some of the things we uncover.
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