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', 'status' => 'Active', 'seo_title' => '', 'seo_description' => '', 'seo_keywords' => '', 'created_by' => MongoId::__set_state(array( 'objectID' => MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId::__set_state(array( 'oid' => '59282d8b4c5b611173f5bcb6', )), )), 'created_on' => MongoDate::__set_state(array( 'sec' => 1547050493, 'usec' => 763000, )), 'last_updated_by' => MongoId::__set_state(array( 'objectID' => MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId::__set_state(array( 'oid' => '59282d8b4c5b611173f5bcb6', )), )), 'last_updated_on' => MongoDate::__set_state(array( 'sec' => 1547050493, 'usec' => 763000, )), '_media_items' => array ( 0 => array ( '_id' => MongoId::__set_state(array( 'objectID' => MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId::__set_state(array( 'oid' => '5c527ddbae7c309548a163ac', )), )), 'title' => 'Episode 5: Dinks and Dunks', 'virtual_url' => 'episode-5-dinks-and-dunks', 'status' => 'Active', 'media_series' => array ( 0 => array ( '_id' => '5c361dfd1280b1490660a42a', '_display' => 'GROWING UP', ), ), 'speaker' => 'Chuck Angel', 'date' => MongoDate::__set_state(array( 'sec' => 1548568800, 'usec' => 0, )), 'content' => '
The Life of Jesus is truly Bingeworthy. As a church, we are setting aside several weeks to watch every episode of His extraordinary life and listen for what it would speak over our lives today. In our second season – Growing Up – we look at Jesus\' developmental years. We don’t think too much about Jesus growing up because we assume He was always spiritually developed and ready for His mission. But according to the Word He went through adolescence and navigated His growing up years being shaped by some things that formed Him for His Messianic calling. And some of the things that shaped Jesus, influenced, and formed Him during His growing up years are some of the exact same things God will use to shape, develop, mature and ready us.In our final episode of the "Growing Up" years we take a look at the baptism of Jesus. In this final formational moment we see that Jesus is willing to step obediently wherever the Father asks Him to step. We take a look at this step of obedience and ask a couple questions concerning our own spiritual journey.
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Streaming services like Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime Video have changed the way we watch TV. Now we can ‘binge’ all the episodes of our favorite shows in just a few days or over a weekend. We love to know what happens next… we naturally want more of the story. Some shows are so captivating that we set them apart as “bingeworthy.” They are stories that instantly capture our attention and keep it until the storytelling is done.
The Life of Jesus is truly Bingeworthy. As a church, we are setting aside several weeks to watch every episode of His extraordinary life and listen for what it would speak over our lives today. In our second season – Growing Up – we look at Jesus' developmental years. We don’t think too much about Jesus growing up because we assume He was always spiritually developed and ready for His mission. But according to the Word He went through adolescence and navigated His growing up years being shaped by some things that formed Him for His Messianic calling. And some of the things that shaped Jesus, influenced, and formed Him during His growing up years are some of the exact same things God will use to shape, develop, mature and ready us.