Grow in the Dark
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Pastor Andrew Spangler wraps up our Grow in the Dark sermon series with the "cherry on top." He unpacks Colossians 4:7-18 with character studies of the men referenced in this text and highlights the ways in which, as believers, we are BETTER TOGETHER.
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Colossians 3:10-17 helps guide us to better understand the generational impact of our faith.
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In "Our Identity In Christ - Part III," we continue to dig deeper into the identity portion of our Colossians study. This week we look at the truth behind being “with Him.” This short phrase introduces a long play reality in our identity with Christ. Endurance is necessary for a lifetime of following Jesus. So many things happen to us and around us that can discourage and even tempt us to quit on God. Being with Jesus means that we “stick with Him.” That is an important part of our identity — believers who stick with Jesus and continue to follow Him through the confusion and uncertainty of life. As we do, our lives become shaped and strengthened by being enduring followers of Jesus. We have to become aware of the tactical effort going in to “capture” us and take us offline in that part of our identity. But we can’t let ourselves get uprooted, we must stick with Jesus for the long haul — that’s who we are.
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We continue in our “series within the series” and look at our identity in Christ through the revelation of being “in Him.” Paul writes that once we have accepted Christ, we must walk in Him – live and find our identity in Him. Col 2:10-14 are some of the richest details we have for what it means to have our identity safely rooted “in Him.” The significance of that, is the fact of how Christ has changed us and how much different we actually are. In our innermost being we are a new person (2 Cor 5:17). We will marvel together at how the charges against us are canceled, the scope of Christ’s forgiveness, and the new life we’ve been given. LINK TO BOOKMARK REFERENCED HERE.
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This Sunday we dove into Colossians 2:6-15. We slowed down on this section of Scripture to detail some crucially important truth regarding our identity in Christ. These verses are the heart and soul of the letter and it represents one of the most significant thigs we can learn in our walk with the Lord.
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Grow in the Dark is a series based on the incredible letter that is Colossians. There’s a timeless set of truths that provide great encouragement to root down deep and build up strong as we develop our own enduring faith walk.