A Healthy Body

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A Healthy Body sermon series

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As Pastor Chuck finishes out this series, we learn how to live out a Changed Life through the book of Ephesians Chapter 4.

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Pastor Chuck Angel shares with us the importance of a mature believer in Christ, giving biblical context to why it leads to a healthy church body.

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Get in the Game!!

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Senior Pastor Chuck Angel\'s sermon focuses on unity, as described in Ephesians 4, highlighting that unity commands God’s blessing and requires intentional effort to promote peace, build durable relationships, and celebrate diversity within the church body. Psalm 133 reminds us that where there is unity, the Lord commands life and blessing, encouraging us to steward the unity created by the Holy Spirit.

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Pastor Chuck speaks on how to be part of a "Healthy Body" and the attributes from Ephesians 4 required to do so. 

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A Healthy Body

A Healthy Body sermon series

A Healthy Body PT5

· Sr. Pastor Chuck Angel

A Healthy Body PT4

· Sr. Pastor Chuck Angel

A Healthy Body PT3

· Sr. Pastor Chuck Angel

A Healthy Body PT 2

· Sr. Pastor Chuck Angel

A Healthy Body #1

· Sr Pastor Chuck Angel